Book Safe

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Book Safe

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Even if there isn’t much to hide, there is certainly a novel (ahem) coolness with owning a Book Safe ($25) from Funderstood. Made to look like a real hardback book on the shelf (multiple titles to choose from), it’s a pretty inconspicuous spot for the built-in hidden compartment. Likely kids wouldn’t hide anything at all, as it would be hard to resist showing it off to friends. And perhaps instill a desire for them to take a second look at their parent’s bookshelves!

Kids going through middle childhood are starting to grow a bit independent from their parents, and since parents are likely to be the ones encouraging kids to read, in many cases to a nagging degree (at least from the child’s point of view), there is a certain paradoxical humor that one can share by giving a book that isn’t really a book at all, but instead playfully encourages diversion.

The book safes from Funderstood are offered with key or with combination. The featured one here is with key.

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